The Foundry

The first and only Steel foundry you'll likely need unless you're going for record breaking numbers! :)

It produces 292.5 Steel Beams and 390 Steel Pipes. Thats it.

If you wanna make industrial beams you do so very easily beside it with 3 concrete nodes just outside the building.

Note: i was flying making this so you might have to put in some way of getting up and down

  • 评分
    5 / 5
  • 游戏版本 174,799
  • 作者 Keywal
  • 下载 (4,694x) 下载
  • 文件大小 216.19 KB
  • 创建于 2021年12月8日 下午8:01:31
  • 最后更新于 2021年12月9日 下午3:30:45