Space Elevator ( All Upgrade )

Hello, it's my second megaprint. Please be forgiving if I made some mistakes.
Thanks to this plan, you will be able to make all the upgrades to the space elevator. Note that the first 3 factories work together. Start the first, collect your smart plate (50) then plug in the second while operating the first. And the same for the third. Signs are installed to guide you.
Once you have finished the first 3 upgrades. You can turn off factories. And we are going to move on to the 4th which is entirely autonomous. Plug in the power, wait and harvest. When you have finished the 4th step keep this factory connected to the power and plug in the 5th which is on the roof of the 4th. connect the conveyors, which are in front of the storages.
For step 5 you will need to import 3 items (supercomputer, Cooling System, Crystal Oscillator) by drone or train as you wish, a drone hub is provided on the roof. Normally at this level of the game you are able to produce these resources without too many problems, if several plans are available from other players you will just have to add them.
A Train station is available to import ore from the game, an automatic sorter sends them to storages and conveyors transport them to level 0 of the mega factories. I have planned a factory for plastics and rubber.
Place 3 AWESOME Sink under Station for automatic sorter, I don't know why it wasn't imported
Power: 1st factory : 266.2MW - 2nd: 556.8MW - 3rd: 1227.6MW - 4th: 6171MW - 5th: 12143MW Station: 800MW Plastic Facto: 4849.5MW If you need more Power (by Katoo) :
A huge thank you to Katoo for his plans, factory 4 is really a monster of a construction to put in place, I didn't have the patience. Don't hesitate to go see his plans and rate him because he does a very good job.
the plans I used:
Visit Katoo page: All blueprints All megaprints
If you have any problems, don't hesitate to contact me on discord "alphazerr"
- Items count 18,915
- Coordinates 27,827 / -22,272
- Only paste on original location Yes
- Categories Architecture Complete factory World Grid Aligned Stable (1.0)
- Created on Oct 21, 2024, 6:48:48 AM
Foundation (1 m) 3,646
Conveyor Lift Mk.1 803
Hex Frame Window 766
Conveyor Belt Mk.5 679
Conveyor Splitter 635
Flat Roof 632
Conveyor Belt Mk.1 617
Power Line 510
Full Frame Window 494
Conveyor Merger 470
Conveyor Lift Mk.5 320
Roof (2 m) 200
Small Frame Pillar 191
Conveyor Belt Mk.3 182
Conveyor Lift Mk.2 163
Foundation (4 m) 161
Roof (4 m) 130
Pipeline Mk.1 125
Conveyor Belt Mk.2 123
Clean Pipeline Mk.2 123
Assembler 121
Conveyor Belt Mk.4 112
Smart Splitter 107
Pipeline Junction 106
Basic Wall (4 m) 102
Conveyor Lift Mk.3 90
Label Sign (2 m) 84
Refinery 79
Ramp (1 m) 78
Angled Frame Window 76
Constructor 74
Industrial Railing 69
Conveyor Lift Floor Hole 66
Pipeline Mk.2 60
Conveyor Ceiling Mount 56
Foundry 42
Smelter 39
Manufacturer 38
Straight Catwalk 37
Display Sign 37
Conveyor Pole 36
Stackable Conveyor Pole 34
Road Barrier 33
Railway 30
Conveyor Lift Mk.4 27
Double Beam Connector 26
Pipeline Support 26
Wall Outlet Mk.1 26
Inverted Frame Ramp 24
Catwalk Ramp 22
Frame Ramp 20
Foundation Stairs (4 m) 19
Industrial Storage Container 16
Ramp (4 m) 15
Power Pole Mk.1 15
Outer Corner Roof (4 m) 13
Block Signal 13
Blender 12
Power Pole Mk.3 11
Ramp Wall (4 m) 10
Conveyor Wall x 1 9
Clean Pipeline Mk.1 9
Freight Platform 9
Large Billboard 8
Storage Container 8
Metal Beam 7
Square Sign (0.5 m) 7
Water Extractor 7
Center Door Wall 6
Pipeline Floor Hole 6
Railroad Switch Control 6
Wall-Mounted Flood Light 5
Catwalk Corner 5
Label Sign (3 m) 5
Up Corner Ramp (1 m) 4
Particle Accelerator 4
Converter 4
Stackable Pipeline Support 4
Pipeline Pump Mk.2 4
Train Station 4
Tilted Corner Wall (4 m) 3
Catwalk T-Junction 3
Quantum Encoder 3
Fluid Freight Platform 3
Half Foundation (1 m) 2
Flood Light Tower 2
Ramp Wall (2 m) 2
Modern Railing 2
Catwalk Stairs 2
Small Billboard 2
Portrait Sign 2
Pipeline Wall Support 2
Gate Hole Wall 1
Conveyor Wall x 2 1
Side Door Wall 1
Square Sign (1 m) 1
Oil Extractor 1
Fluid Buffer 1
Drone Port 1
Concrete 25,017
Cable 5,542
Iron Plate 5,202
Steel Beam 4,184
Copper Sheet 2,956
Steel Pipe 2,864
Silica 2,672
Plastic 2,623
Wire 2,461
Quickwire 2,175
Iron Rod 2,046
Reinforced Iron Plate 1,932
Motor 1,493
Alclad Aluminum Sheet 1,369
Encased Industrial Beam 1,264
Rotor 1,188
Modular Frame 1,185
Aluminum Casing 650
Cooling System 450
Quartz Crystal 400
SAM Fluctuator 400
Ficsite Trigon 300
Radio Control Unit 210
Time Crystal 150
Heavy Modular Frame 144
Fused Modular Frame 140
High-Speed Connector 138
Computer 133
AI Limiter 107
Turbo Motor 100
Supercomputer 100
Crystal Oscillator 42
Rubber 33
noonway - Dec 4, 2024, 6:48:10 AM
There is a lot of work to do for Phases 4 and 5, but it still saves quite a bit of time. Nicely done.
Rey77 - Nov 3, 2024, 9:56:30 PM
the idea is nice but you have to divide them into individual positionable projects so as to be more playable. nice work. sorry for english but google translate
xominous - Oct 28, 2024, 7:37:03 PM
Tried to DM on Discord but you only accept DMs from friends.
Anyway, I was trying to use this megaprint but I was confused. In the description you state: "And we are going to move on to the 4th which is entirely autonomous. Plug in the power, wait and harvest. " But it looks like you have to connect a lot of resources. Am I missing something?