Route 66

Principal lines railway system, designed to be easily expandable. No stations are supposed to be directly on those tracks.

Everything fully supported, there are no floating tracks and unrealistic-looking spirals. Blueprinted supports are scalable up to 150m.

Comes with the BP set which makes building even curved railways exceptionally easy and fast. For perspective, building this whole grid took 20 hours.

3 tracks, 2 layers:

  • Lower deck: two-lane RW for automated trains. Fully signalized and speed-optimized.
  • Upper deck: two-way RW for moving pioneers.

Need resources - quickly build a new line with provided BPs and place a station there.

There are only two stations already built - for powering all rails (2 layers are completely separated).

Integrates exceptionally well with my NPP -, looks majestic with its bridge. If you use both megaprints, connect rail on both ends of the bridge and delete some intersecting foundations (I don`t want to redo NPP MP, you will have to delete literally just 3 frame foundations and replace 2 with inclines)

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    5 / 5
  • Build version 372,858
  • Author 8800
  • Download (961x) Download
  • File size 3.59 MB
  • Created on Oct 27, 2024, 3:42:31 PM