750/min Compacted Coal Factory 1.1

750/min Compacted Coal Factory 1.1

Only with drones delivery Update v.1.1

  • Battery supply for DronePorts added
  • added powerline to the Coal Miner


  • 750 Sulfor
  • 750 Coal


-750 Compacted Coal

Can be used for Fuel-Powerplant for Big-Storage II https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/megaprints/index/details/id/1390/name/30+GW+Fuel+Generator+Powerplant+1.0

Feedback / Bugreport

Discord : https://discord.gg/gWVjBewpsZ

All my Mega-Blueprints : https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/megaprints/index/index/idU/14824/user/Pravum+L

My Blueprints : https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/blueprints/index/index/idU/14824/user/Pravum+L

  • Rating
    4 / 5
  • Build version 211,839
  • Author Pravum L
  • Download (2,048x) Download
  • File size 121.75 KB
  • Created on Dec 9, 2022, 8:41:43 PM
  • Last updated on Jan 23, 2023, 4:05:52 PM