180GW Rocket Fuel Power Plant - GRN version

180GW Rocket Fuel Power Plant - GRN version


  • Power 180GW
  • 180 packed rocket fuel per minute


  • Coal 700
  • Sulfur 1160
  • Nitrogen Gas 870
  • Crude Oil 300
  • Water 802
  • Bauxite 200

Max. consumption 6GW

Design oriented 180GW power plant. It also produce 180 packed rocket fuel per minute, sent primary to dimensional depot and then to two drone ports.


  1. import megaprint
  2. rebuild 4 tracks connected to GRN (red marked tracks on third image) - because it is imported, tracks seems to be connected, but they are not, you need to rebuild them
  3. build signals based on third images(two path and two block signals)
  4. setup train routes(MAKE SURE you dont mix it, otherwise it will clog whole power plant) - i tested delivery via half of map, 2 trains per station was enough to keep demands. But it depends on resource location, traffic on GRN lines, so it is individual. Make sure you keep constant delivery and platform buffers are still full(of course, except unloading procedure)
  5. keep it running until all buffers are full(all refineries and blenders on roof will stop due to full internal storage). It will last roughly 20 minutes.
  6. when all machines stops, means generator buffers and internal buffers are full, open 12 red valves(1 valve bellow each generator tower)
  7. enjoy fully stable 180GW in 3mins

If you will not follow startup procedure and open valves sooner then all buffers are full, it will last few hours to stabilize to 180GW production. Read and follow above steps.

I also created more versions:
180GW Rocket Fuel Power Plant - selfsufficient version - https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/megaprints/index/details/id/1565/name/180GW+Rocket+Fuel+Power+Plant+-+selfsufficient+version

72GW blueprint version:
Part1- https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/blueprints/index/details/id/8039/name/72GW+Rocket+Fuel+Power+Plant+v1.0+-+part1
Part2- https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/blueprints/index/details/id/8040/name/72GW+Rocket+Fuel+Power+Plant+v1.0+-+part2

Design affected by many YT videos, main created by TotalXclipse, Fluxo, GameLab and others.

You can contact me on discord as [SCUM]Meduza1111#0669


There are no MODS required.
Don't be lazy and rate my blueprint by clicking on stars! Other players also want to know, if this is usable, or trash. Thanks.

All my blueprints https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/blueprints/index/index/idU/30791/user/Katoo
All my megaprints https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/megaprints/index/index/idU/30791/user/Katoo

  • Öğe Sayısı 15.790
  • Koordinatlar 124.318 / 183.576
  • Yalnızca orijinal konuma yapıştırın Yes
  • Kategoriler Complete factory Stable (1.0)
  • Değerlendirme
    5 / 5
  • İnşa Sürümü 379.322
  • Eser Sahibi Katoo
  • İndir (473x) İndir
  • File size 895,77 KB
  • Oluşturma tarihi 28 Kas 2024 18:28:16