48 coal generator at 250%. 16 water. Prod 7132.9 Consumption : 1401.7 Gain = 5731w

Require : 2x 780 coal (1456.8/min)

Little low water on the center of the structure : fixed 01/06/21 = underwater water disconnected and valves added. Don't understand why, with 2.2k consume, and 2.4k produce, its not ok for this circuit... :(

  • 평점
    3 / 5
  • 빌드 버전 155,350
  • 작성자 Celti
  • 다운로드 (2,870x) 다운로드
  • 파일 크기 188.48 KB
  • 생성일: 2021. 5. 31. 오전 6:44:35
  • 마지막 업데이트: 2021. 6. 1. 오전 2:51:14