Supercomputer Factory

Optimized factory producing 1.875 Supercomputer/min, with side outputs of Computer, High-Speed Connector, Crystal Oscillator, AI Limiter, and Circuit Board. Also includes a Copper/Iron smeltery which exports ingots.

Alternate recipes used: Crystal Computer, Insulated Crystal Oscillator, Steamed Copper Sheet, Copper Alloy Ingot.

7x15 foundation footprint, max consumption 818 MW. Intended to be fed raw materials by train. In original location, takes locally sourced Iron and Copper ore. Has a convenient belt of exterior power connections isolated from the interior grid.

  • 평점
    4 / 5
  • 빌드 버전 155,350
  • 작성자 Lord Eric
  • 다운로드 (5,502x) 다운로드
  • 파일 크기 238.53 KB
  • 생성일: 2021. 11. 24. 오전 9:24:57