Cinghiale dalla coda soffice

Cinghiale dalla coda soffice

The Fluffy-tailed Hog (a.k.a 'Hog'), is a melee hostile creature that deals damage with its tackle attack.

  • Behavior Hostile
  • Salute 20
  • Danni 10
Top Slayers
#1 TerryDowdy 788
#2 SnakeWare 596
#3 wadelouky 576
#4 Real Superskill 530
#5 Bingman 521
#6 JarDo 491
#7 Jaffa62 478
#8 H4K0N42 429
#9 Ertovi 398
#10 Leo_99 397
#11 Arendil 376
#12 KillingSphere 374
#13 CanadianBrit 354
#14 jxlian.exe 345
#15 Tengo 345
#16 Maroga 336
#17 Shizik9044 322
#18 jackietimsy 317
#19 mrhodes1979 296
#20 v1rtu 294
#21 Agent1141 294
#22 esm 284
#23 RealAuraz 281
#24 Hacoc 268
#25 MVaso 262