0,611TW - Rocket Fuel Power Plant - Blue Crater
2550 Crude Oil into 10200 Rocket Fuel
If you don't want to worry about power generation for a long time, just place this industrial monstrosity into the beautiful nature of the blue crater. After placed, it should run immediately.
- No Mods needed
- 27 Sloops were used due to the lack of SAM and Iron (5x Reanimated SAM, 18x Sulfur Converter, 4x Heavy Oil Residue) The math for HOR is fine without slooping, but it didn't worked without
- Byproducts not used
- No ChooChoo, reliable belts only
- incl. 2 Doggos at 1st logistic floor
- Items count 125,286
- Coordinates 120,300 / 192,000
- Only paste on original location Yes
- Categories Complete factory Stable (1.0)
- Created on Dec 10, 2024, 3:31:33 PM
- Foundation (1 m) 33,730
- Basic Wall (4 m) 8,968
- Basic Wall (1 m) 8,357
- Pipeline Mk.2 7,412
- Power Line 5,244
- Pipeline Junction 1,972
- Ceiling Light 1,260
- Fuel-Powered Generator 1,260
- Conveyor Belt Mk.6 1,169
- Angled Frame Window 1,136
- Glass Frame Foundation 1,115
- Conveyor Lift Mk.6 962
- Hex Frame Window 935
- Pipeline Wall Hole 860
- Industrial Railing 815
- Basic Wall (4 m) 794
- Full Frame Window 744
- Foundation (1 m) 648
- Frame Foundation 617
- Conveyor Wall x 2 498
- Pipeline Floor Hole 360
- Quarter Pipe 320
- Basic Wall (1 m) 295
- Flat Roof 262
- Catwalk Stairs 231
- Conveyor Merger 228
- Conveyor Splitter 221
- Walkway T-Junction 196
- Conveyor Wall x 1 164
- Blender 144
- Inverted Quarter Pipe 134
- Roof (4 m) 110
- Big Metal Pillar 107
- Pipeline Pump Mk.2 84
- Refinery 80
- Modern Railing 78
- Industrial Storage Container 66
- Catwalk Corner 65
- Painted Beam 59
- Conveyor Lift Mk.5 40
- Catwalk T-Junction 39
- Small Metal Pillar 38
- Catwalk Ramp 37
- Catwalk Intersection 34
- Big Pillar Support 32
- Converter 30
- Straight Catwalk 28
- Side Door Wall 25
- Resource Well Extractor 24
- Water Extractor 24
- Miner Mk.3 22
- Smart Splitter 17
- Beam Connector 16
- Small Pillar Support 15
- Conveyor Lift Floor Hole 14
- Outer Corner Quarter Pipe 12
- Inverted Inner Corner Quarter Pipe 12
- Outer Corner Roof (4 m) 12
- Conveyor Wall x 3 12
- Constructor 12
- Power Pole Mk.1 12
- Inner Corner Quarter Pipe 11
- AWESOME Sink 9
- Automated Gate 8
- Walkway Ramp 6
- Oil Extractor 6
- Industrial Fluid Buffer 6
- Pipeline Support 5
- Resource Well Pressurizer 3
- Geothermal Generator 3
- Conveyor Wall x 1 2
- Conveyor Wall x 2 2
- Conveyor Pole 2
- Valve 2
- Conveyor Wall x 3 1
- Conveyor Wall Mount 1
- Pipeline Wall Support 1
- Stackable Pipeline Support 1
- Wall Outlet Mk.1 1
- Concrete 222,835
- Quickwire 126,000
- Copper Sheet 64,774
- Rubber 63,308
- Motor 23,018
- Wire 20,950
- Steel Beam 20,132
- Encased Industrial Beam 19,850
- Steel Pipe 11,600
- Plastic 8,402
- Iron Rod 7,633
- Aluminum Casing 7,440
- High-Speed Connector 6,855
- Cable 6,412
- Silica 5,630
- Iron Plate 3,461
- Time Crystal 3,093
- Ficsite Trigon 3,093
- SAM Fluctuator 3,000
- Heavy Modular Frame 1,599
- Radio Control Unit 1,530
- Computer 1,440
- Cooling System 750
- Fused Modular Frame 520
- Reinforced Iron Plate 433
- Rotor 274
- Alclad Aluminum Sheet 230
- Supercomputer 110
- Modular Frame 75
- Portable Miner 66
- Turbo Motor 66
- AI Limiter 17