Lizard Doggo

Lizard Doggo

The Lizard Doggo is a short reptilian dog-like creature, which can be tamed by the pioneer.

  • Behavior Friendly (tameable)
  • Health 15
Top Slayers
#1 RiceMunchX 139
#2 RuUSA 67
#3 Pineapple 66
#4 Duke 57
#5 Carter 54
#6 Mel 48
#7 jackietimsy 48
#8 GLaDOS 44
#9 cat 36
#10 GroGaloraGran 32
#11 Chris 32
#12 Davesolo21 31
#13 David 31
#14 MattyCanny 30
#15 Stefan 30
#16 AlexTestria 29
#17 hellocity 29
#18 maxlaterax 29
#19 JoeMamma812 28
#20 ducky 28
#21 mixq 27
#22 xz215279 27
#23 廃,、人 26
#24 Pepper 26
#25 Casper 26