Early game steel pipe(160ppm) + steel beam(140ppm) factory

Early game steel pipe + steel beam factory

Coal 2x 267
Iron ore 2x 267

Steel pipe 160
Steel beam 140

Size: 7x12 foundations

This is considered as early game, so only MK.3 belts are used. And because of this, building is split to two identical, independent floors. Each floor have input Coal 267 + Iron ore 267 and output Steel pipe 80 + Steel beam 70. Power is also split, so you can easily connect only one floor and later if needed, just connect another input/output belts and power and enjoy double production.

There are no MODS used. You don't need to unlock any architecture parts. MK.3 belts is enough and you can build it.

Don't be lazy and rate my blueprint by clicking on stars! Other players also want to know, if this is usable, or trash. Thanks.

All my blueprints https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/blueprints/index/index/idU/30791/user/Katoo
All my megaprints https://satisfactory-calculator.com/en/megaprints/index/index/idU/30791/user/Katoo

  • Created on Mar 25, 2023, 3:28:55 PM
  • Last updated on Mar 25, 2023, 3:29:47 PM