Enter the number you wish to produce per minute, the calculator will try to find a possible solution to provide a valid production chain.
You can drag the network graph with the mouse, zoom in/out with the mouse wheel.

Dette ekstremt hurtige og præcise computersystem er specielt designet til at styre Projekt Montage: Monteringsfasen." data-hover="tooltip" style="width: 64px;" />

These modular generators use superconducting magnets and vast amounts of electricity to produce a powerful and easily expandable magnetic field." data-hover="tooltip" style="width: 64px;" />

Uses extreme heat to produce the high-pressure plasma required to get Project Assembly into motion." data-hover="tooltip" style="width: 64px;" />
Strømforbrug: 500-1500 MW (1000 MW i gennemsnit).

Nuklear pasta er ekstremt tæt, degenereret stof, dannet når ekstremt tryk tvinger protoner og elektroner sammen til neutroner. Det er teoretiseret at eksistere naturligt i skorpen af neutronstjerner." data-hover="tooltip" style="width: 64px;" />

Years ahead of the competition, this top-of-the-line 3D printer is used for the production of synthetic biological resources." data-hover="tooltip" style="width: 64px;" />
Power Usage: 1000-2000 MW (1500 MW average).

A large amount of force is required for the Warp Drives to activate, so sticking them to rockets was the logical next step. Additionally, results improved immensely when the observers were further removed from the Warp Drives upon activation." data-hover="tooltip" style="width: 64px;" />
Power Usage: 1500-2500 MW (2000 MW average).

Growth is the metric by which we measure success." data-hover="tooltip" style="width: 64px;" />

Dette ekstremt hurtige og præcise computersystem er specielt designet til at styre Projekt Montage: Monteringsfasen." data-hover="tooltip" style="width: 64px;" />

These modular generators use superconducting magnets and vast amounts of electricity to produce a powerful and easily expandable magnetic field." data-hover="tooltip" style="width: 64px;" />

Uses extreme heat to produce the high-pressure plasma required to get Project Assembly into motion." data-hover="tooltip" style="width: 64px;" />
Strømforbrug: 500-1500 MW (1000 MW i gennemsnit).

Nuklear pasta er ekstremt tæt, degenereret stof, dannet når ekstremt tryk tvinger protoner og elektroner sammen til neutroner. Det er teoretiseret at eksistere naturligt i skorpen af neutronstjerner." data-hover="tooltip" style="width: 64px;" />

Years ahead of the competition, this top-of-the-line 3D printer is used for the production of synthetic biological resources." data-hover="tooltip" style="width: 64px;" />
Power Usage: 1000-2000 MW (1500 MW average).

A large amount of force is required for the Warp Drives to activate, so sticking them to rockets was the logical next step. Additionally, results improved immensely when the observers were further removed from the Warp Drives upon activation." data-hover="tooltip" style="width: 64px;" />
Power Usage: 1500-2500 MW (2000 MW average).

Growth is the metric by which we measure success." data-hover="tooltip" style="width: 64px;" />

Alternative opskrifter

Purity and Speed

Overclocking (Experimental)
