[ZennFactory] Biofuel Module

The Biofuel Module takes care of all your Biofuel needs. Converts all wildlife into useful Biofuel, delivered directly in front of you with NO MODS whatsoever. Using the left switch, you can choose to have it delivered as Liquid Biofuel or Packaged Liquid Biofuel. Having the switch to OFF position, any Packaged Liquid Biofuel from your inventory will also be unpackaged into Biofuel Liquid. Simply drop ALL of your inventory into the upper container, and let the module do the rest. The leaves, wood, mycelia, and any animal remains get processed into Biofuel, any tools and equipment will be returned to you in the right container while all extra parts will be shredded into scrumptious FICSIT Coupons, and it does it all without blockage along the way (drains the input container at 1560 u/min, storing all wildlife inside until it has time to process it all, leaving the container free to run again in no time). NOTE: any radioactive materials will also return in the Tools & Equipment container. It can run on one of two sets of resources, to make it convenient almost anywhere on the map - choose to provide it with either Crude Oil, or just Iron and Copper ore. Water will be needed in both cases.

Specifications and requirements:

  • Convenient front side with Main Power Switch, Packaging Switch and 3 Industrial Storage Containers (one for input, one for Packaged Liquid Biofuel Output and one for returned Tools and Equipment);
  • One Mk.5 Belt output (780u/min.), to help automate transporting of the container's contents;
  • Two pipe connections (one for outputing Liquid Biofuel with 50m uplift included and one for input), running at 600 m3/min.
  • Stairs and walkways to make it accessible by foot;
  • A parking space;
  • Front side lighting;
  • Flat underside;
  • Square design, to help fit it in your existing factories;
  • Lateral input connections that don't exceed the square design when connected, with Signs stating the needed materials:

Water: 450 m3/min. Oil: 600 m3/min.


Water 450 m3/min. Iron Ore 600 u/min. Copper Ore 400 u/min.

Maximum power consumption: 3350 MW (that's only if you provide the Oil and the Iron/Copper Ore at the same time, otherwise it will be around 2100 MW or less).

I recommend pasting the blueprint on its original location, where it will have all the materials already provided along with local power production, sufficient to cover the module and the nearby extractors. After that, you may remove it's supports, ramps and the attached belts and pipes, so you can cut and paste it on your own desired location.

  • Created on 12/10/2022 17.23.00