Belt Compressor Module (Left)

Belt Compressor module to accommodate variable resource intakes and/or outputs (Feeding Mega Factories from Trains or multiple Miners)

Chain them together to distribute, for example, multiple 600/min Quickwire lines into factories with varying demands (like 300/min; 720/min; 69/min)

Overflow will be passed to the Left and try to fill the adjacent Belt

Loop the output of the Right Merger into the RIGHT Splitter to fill Belts on the right side with overflow from belts on the left (Pic 3)

Right Splitter: Helper line or Recycling line

Middle Merger: Output to Factory

Middle Splitter: Input

Left Merger: Connect to next module

See Satisfactory Wiki - Belt Compressor for further info

  • Items count 10
  • Created on 24/11/2022 12.00.37
  • Last updated on 24/11/2022 12.04.51